
Ann Geddes Baby Photographer

Ann Gleddes Baby Photographer
Of course, all seen in the work of Ann Geddes calendars, postcards, book stores. These cute kids pictures touches. They are filled with love, tenderness, childish naivete. These cute kids in costumes wonderful, in unusual environments affect the heart of any. Because children do not know lies, hypocrisy, they are full of dreams and live in their fairy-tale world, believing in magic. Looking at photos of Ann Geddes, he begins to believe that miracles happen in our real world.

Ann Geddes was born in Australia in the Queensland town of September 13, 1956. It was the third daughter in the family. Love for photography was born in Ann School in early childhood. She carefully studied the magazines like National Geographic and Life. Anna paid more attention to the vibrant photos published in these journals.

In 17 years, Ann Geddes set to work with the chain of tourist hotels in New Zealand, traveling abroad for the first time. To impress her daily adventures of Anne started to do a lot of photos, watching, learning and evaluating the different qualities of natural light. It was the first prerequisite to becoming a famous photographer.

In 1986 in Melbourne, Ann founded her first studio, fixing an old garage at the rear of their garden. In 1988, the image of Ann, the little girl standing in a pack, it was first published photograph appearing in a local magazine in Auckland. After that Anne decided to specialize in children's portraiture.

After publishing the first photo success began rapidly to come to Ann Geddes. And now it pleases us your photos with cute kids.

Ann Gleddes Baby Photographer