
Top Nature Photos Of All Time

Top Nature Photos Of All Time
Photos Of All Time, This is a collection of nature photos that are flocking elephant, this photo was chosen from 40 best nature photos to celebrate 'Earth Day Green Auction'

Top Nature photos of all time
This photo was taken by Frans Lanting, depicting a lily in the water. Frans find inspiration in nature wet she fell into the water to take pictures with the camera wrapped in plastic, and he must hold his breath under a minute. While the assistant was standing guard in a small boat.

Top Nature Photos Of All Time
Stone Canyon Petrified Sand Dunes and Reflections, Paria Canyon - Vermilion Cliffs Wilderness, Arizona was taken by Jack Dykinga. This photo won a Pulitzer Prize-journalist, the purpose of these photographs is to create a monument nasioanl in Paria and Escalante canyon waterways.

Top Nature Photos Of All Time
This photo was taken by Galen Rowell (1940-2002). photo Split Rock and Cloud, Eastern Sierra, California. he was a master at a glance the quality of natural light combine in an interesting composition. He's just waiting thirty seconds after setting up a tripod mount Nikon before the clouds drift through the perfect position.

Top Nature Photos Of All Time
Photo polar bear taken by Tom Mangelsen, in taking this photo Tom must survive in the polar cold. relatively polar bears come to together, and this picture is titled movements 'Polar Dance' is similar to a human to dance in the blowing snow.

Top Nature Photos Of All Time
The bear is seen double, which bears on the way submerged in cold water, by using this tactic is usually to surprise their prey.

Top Nature Photos Of All Time
This photo was taken by Peter Dombrovskis, Morning Mist, Rock Island Bend, Franklin River, Southwest Tasmania, Australia. This photograph depicts a rivers in let to run free. published in The Australian newspaper 'prior to the 1983 Australian Federal Election with the slogan, 'Can you to choose the party that would destroy this?'

Top Nature Photos Of All Time
Australian sea lion island Hopkins photos taken by David Doubilet, the sea lion is a peculiar species. David took this picture when they nuzzle lens with fin.

Top Nature Photos Of All Time
This is a photograph of thresher sharks in the Gulf of california mexico, thresher shark is a cause of 100 million sharks are killed each year.

Top Nature Photos Of All Time
Photos Of All Time, Turtle photo was taken at dawn by Frans Lanting in the Galápagos archipelago. giant tortoise is native to the Galapagos archipelago, which can live for more than a century.