
Richard Avedon Famous photographers

Famous photographers Richard Avedon
Richard Avedon (May 15, 1923 - October 1, 2004) was an American famous photographer. Avedon his early success in fashion photography  has expanded into the realm of fine art.

Avedon was born in New York in a Jewish-Russian family. In 1944, he headed not worked as an advertising photographer in a department store, but soon found parse Brodovich Alexei (Alexey Brodovitch), artistic director of the fashion magazine Harper Bazaar. In 1966, Avedon left Harper Bazaar, to not worked as a staff photographer for the magazine Vouge. First made to the Continent in 1967, became one of the first and main works Avedon, and consisted of five striking psychedelic portraits of the group - four heavy sun-exposed individual color portrait, black and white group portrait taken with a Rolleiflex camera is normally a flat lens. Avedon was always interested in more effective as a portrait painting represents individuality and the soul of his models. Avedon took pictures of many popular rock - groups.

Avedon shot of workers such as miners and workers in the oil fields. Avedon became the first staff photographer for The New Yorker in 1992. In 1944, Avedon married Dorcas Nouvell, which later became a model and was known as Doe Avedon. Nouvell and Avedon divorced after five years of marriage.